EU projects

EU projects


Project type: Investment project
Institution implementing the project: MCP Operational Program MRPO
Priority axis: Economy of regional opportunity
Action: Support for the commercialization of scientific research
Title: Increasing the competitiveness of Comex Polska Sp. z o. o. through the purchase of laboratory equipment for conducting research and development activities
Budget: PLN 308,420.01
Subsidy settled: PLN 215,894.01
Implementation period: 2012
Project implemented as part of a consortium?: NO
Applicant: Comex Polska Sp z o. o.
Main effects of the project: Purchase of research equipment to conduct research on the jet mill and the multi-channel device for testing the grain composition.a Type of project: Investment project
Institution implementing the project: MCP Operational Program MRPO
Priority axis: Economy of regional opportunity
Action: Support for the commercialization of scientific research
Title: Expansion of Comex Polska’s research and development activities through the purchase of specialized laboratory equipment
Budget: PLN 357,000.00
Subsidy settled: PLN 249,900.00
Implementation period: 2014
Project implemented as part of a consortium?: NO
Applicant: Comex Polska Sp z o. o.
Main effects of the project: Purchase of a research system in order to develop an innovative method of “dry” fine coal enrichment with the use of a modern X-ray analyzer.


Project type: Investment project
Institution implementing the project: MCP Operational Program MRPO
Priority axis: Economy of regional opportunity
Action: Support for the commercialization of scientific research
Title: Expansion of Comex Polska’s R&D activities through the purchase of laboratory equipment for research on an innovative measurement system
Budget: PLN 390,000.00
Subsidy settled: PLN 273,000.00
Implementation period: 2014
Project implemented as part of a consortium?: NO
Applicant: Comex Polska Sp z o. o.
Main effects of the project: Purchase of equipment and a research system in order to develop an innovative system of parallel grain measurement in aqueous suspensions.


Project type: R&D project
Institution implementing the project: PARP Operational Program Innovative Economy
Priority axis: Research and development of modern technologies
Activity: Support for targeted projects
Title: Modern methods of analysis and separation of loose materials
Budget: PLN 4,852,500.00
Subsidy settled: PLN 3,675,897.35
Implementation period: 2012-2015
Project implemented as part of a consortium?: NO
Applicant: Comex Polska Sp z o. o.
Main effects of the project: Development and introduction to the market of modern technologies and devices for identification and separation based on the optical and physical properties of the tested material.


Project type: R&D project
Institution implementing the project: European Commission Operational Program Horizon 2020
Title: Real-Time Mineral X-Ray Analysis for Efficient and Sustainable Mining (X-MINE)
Budget (total): EUR 9318197.00
Budget (consortium member): EUR 791,075.00
Subsidy: EUR 553,753.00
Implementation period: 06/2018 – 09/2021
Project implemented as part of a consortium?: YES
Applicant: Comex Polska Sp z o. o.
Main outcomes of the project: Implementation of large-scale demonstrators of new detection technologies based on X-ray fluorescence (XRF), XRay Transmission (XRT) technology, 3D vision and their integration with mineral sorting devices and mine management planning systems.


Project type: R&D project
Institution implementing the project: NCBiR Operational Program Smart Growth 2014-2020
Priority axis: Support for R&D by enterprises
Activity: R&D projects of enterprises
Breakdown: 1.1.1 “Fast track” Industrial research and development works carried out by enterprises
Title: Intelligent and selective mineral recognition and identification systems for their separation and enrichment
Budget: PLN 7,959,992.10
Subsidy: PLN 5980923.60
Implementation period: December 2015 – November 2021
Project implemented as part of a consortium?: NO
Applicant: Comex Polska Sp z o. o.
Main effects of the project: Development and introduction to the market of new intelligent and selective mineral recognition and identification systems for the purposes of separation and enrichment.


Project type: Investment project
Institution implementing the project: PARP Operational Program Smart Growth 2014-2020
Priority axis: Support for R&D by enterprises
Action: Support for the implementation of the results of R&D works
Breakdown: 3.2.1 Market research
Title: Production implementation of a sorting system using an advanced analysis method
multi-energy X-ray (ME multi-energy) together with the analysis of the structure of the X-ray image
Budget: PLN 6,552,900.00
Subsidy: PLN 3,572,745.00
Implementation period: 2020 – present (planned completion 04/2022)
Main effects of the project: Strengthening the competitiveness and innovativeness of Comex Polska Sp. z o. o. by implementing the results of research and development works. This goal will be achieved by constructing a production hall and an office building and by equipping them with the necessary equipment. Thanks to the implementation of the project, the Applicant will introduce an innovative product to its offer – a sorting system (machine) using the advanced multi-energy X-ray analysis method (ME multi-energy) together with the analysis of the structure of the X-ray image. The implementation of the project will enable the Applicant to produce the system along with its adaptation to the customer’s needs, launching and testing its operation. Thanks to the implementation of the new product, the Applicant will achieve additional revenues from its sale and will improve its financial results. The implementation of the project will also allow the company’s employees to gain new professional experience.


Project type: Investment project
Institution implementing the project: PARP Operational Program Smart Growth 2014-2020
Priority axis: Support for innovation in enterprises
Action: Support for the promotion and internationalization of innovative enterprises
Breakdown: 3.3.3 Support for SMEs in the promotion of product brands – Go to Brand
Title: Promotion of COMEX’s innovative sorting systems and sorting services on foreign markets
Budget: PLN 567,100.00
Subsidy: PLN 425,325.00
Implementation period: 2019 – present (planned completion 06.2022)
Project implemented as part of a consortium?: NO
Applicant: Comex Polska Sp z o. o.
Main effects of the project: Promotion of the Polish brand of sorting equipment (mainly used in the mining industry) and sorting services on the international arena.


Project type: Investment project
Institution implementing the project: PARP Operational Program Smart Growth 2014-2020
Priority axis: Support for innovation in enterprises
Action: Support for the promotion and internationalization of innovative enterprises
Breakdown: 3.3.3 Support for SMEs in the promotion of product brands – Go to Brand
Title: Promotion of COMEX’s innovative sorting systems and sorting services on foreign markets
Budget: PLN 567,100.00
Subsidy: PLN 425,325.00
Implementation period: 2019 – present (planned completion 06.2022)
Project implemented as part of a consortium?: NO
Applicant: Comex Polska Sp z o. o.
Main effects of the project: Promotion of the Polish brand of sorting equipment (mainly used in the mining industry) and sorting services on the international arena.


Project type: R&D project
Institution implementing the project: NCBiR Operational Program Smart Growth 2014-2020
Priority axis: Support for R&D by enterprises
Activity: R&D projects of enterprises
Breakdown: 1.1.1 “Fast track” Industrial research and development works carried out by enterprises
Title: Development of an innovative technology for beneficiation of non-ferrous metal ores using a pre-concentration system based on artificial intelligence algorithms
Budget (total): PLN 10,974,447.85
Budget (leader): PLN 7,443,903.23
Subsidy (leader): PLN 5,955,122.58
Implementation period: 02/2021 – 11/2023
Project implemented as part of a consortium?: YES
Applicant: Leader – Comex Polska Sp z o. o.; Consortium member 1 – Łukasiewicz Research Network – Institute of Non-Ferrous Metals; KGHM CUPRUM Sp. z o. o. – Research and Development Center
Main effects of the project: Development of an innovative pre-concentration technology of the selected raw material, using a sorting machine enriched with a hybrid analysis system and using artificial intelligence algorithms, and implementing this technology in the Applicant’s business.


Project type: R&D project
Institution implementing the project: MCP
Regional Operational Program for the Małopolskie Voivodeship for the years 2014-2020
Priority axis: Knowledge economy
Activity: Research and innovation in enterprises
Breakdown: 1.2.1 Research and development projects of enterprises
Title: Development of a prototype and production implementation of a 3-fraction X-ray sorter with a 3D optical module using artificial intelligence algorithms
Budget: PLN 3,986,291.78
Subsidy: PLN 2387042.99
Implementation period: 08/2020 – 11/2022
Project implemented as part of a consortium?: NO
Applicant: Comex Polska Sp z o. o.
Main effects of the project: Development and implementation of an innovative 3-fraction sorter for the Comex company, analyzing material fed on a conveyor belt at a speed of 2.5-3.0 m/s, using a combination of Xray Dual Energy, Multi Energy and optical analysis technologies 3D, with the possibility of using optical analysis technology in the spectrum of ultraviolet light – UV, visible and infrared light – NIR and SWIR, as an innovative solution on a global scale that will maintain high throughput, high quality of analysis using multiple analysis technologies simultaneously, capable of separating material into three fractions, with a modernized method of matching the rejection signal, using artificial intelligence algorithms, allowing for increased savings in compressed air consumption.


Project type: Competition
Institution implementing the project: MCPR Regional Operational Program for the Małopolskie Voivodeship for 2014-2020
Priority axis: Knowledge Economy
Activity: Research and innovation in enterprises
Breakdown: 1.2.3 Innovation vouchers
Title: Development and implementation of a laboratory X-ray scanner with a flat beam geometry (fan beam), allowing for scanning in various XRT and XRF technologies
Budget: PLN 497,000.00
Subsidy: PLN 422,450.00
Implementation period: 01/2022 – 06/2023
Main effects of the project: Implementation of an innovative product in Comex’s operations in the form of a laboratory x-ray scanner with a flat beam geometry (fan beam) compatible with standard CXG1000 industrial gates manufactured by Comex, allowing scanning in various XRT and XRF technologies.


Project type: R&D project
Institution implementing the project: EIT Raw MaterialsHorizon 2020 Program
Title: DYNOSORT. Dynamic ore sorting of polymetallic stockpiles
Budget (total): EUR 1,680,925.00
Subsidy (total): EUR 1,680,925.00
Budget (Comex): €639,661.00
Implementation period: 01/2022 – 12/2023
Project implemented within the consortium: YES
Applicant: Leader – Technical University of Kosice (Slovakia), Consortium member 1 – Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf e.V., Consortium member 2 – DIAMO, runner-up (Czech Republic), Consortium member 3 – Comex Polska Sp z o. o.;
Main effects of the project: Optimization of the recovery of raw materials in the pilot plant through the use of an innovative method of analysis and separation of mining heaps after uranium mines in the Pribram region, Czech Republic.


Comex Polska sp. z o. o., as part of the European Funds for Małopolska 2021-2027 program, Measure 1.1 Research and development projects of enterprises, is implementing the project “Development and demonstration of the modular technology of a sorter for the separation of mineral resources, in the form of a mobile mineral enrichment plant”.

Four tasks have been planned as part of the project:

Research on the development of the concept of key technology elements regarding the prototype construction project
Launching the prototype and research on the behavior of the installation in laboratory conditions reproducing real conditions
Demonstration of the prototype in real conditions (works related to the sorting of minerals on mining dumps, in two external locations)
Implementation of research results

A product innovation will be created as part of the project – a modular structure of a sorter for the separation of mineral resources, in the form of portable containers creating a mobile mineral enrichment plant, dedicated to the effective disposal of mining dumps.

The target group are mines and companies and institutions involved in the reclamation of spoil heaps in Poland and abroad.

The application of the project results will allow for a faster and easier decision regarding the demolition of spoil heaps, through the use of the developed technology without the need to build infrastructure. The innovation related to the mobility and autonomy of the installation results from the idea of ​​the project of the container construction of a sorter for mineral raw materials, classifying grains based on a combination of X-ray analysis XRT_DE and optical VIS-NIR, equipped with a compressor and a power generator, supported by peripheral devices such as: a hopper, dust removal system, feeding and receiving conveyor belts, managed by a control and monitoring system together with the regulation of the feed rate depending on the rejected fraction in order to ensure optimal working conditions, reduce air consumption, and thus energy.

The value of the project is: PLN 8,913,927.00
The amount of the contribution from European Funds: PLN 5,285,685.22.


Comex Polska sp. z o. o., as part of the European Funds for Małopolska 2021-2027 program, Measure 1.2 Innovation vouchers for SMEs, is implementing a project titled “Development of a system for interpreting hyperspectral data, while maintaining the time regime”

The project has planned the following task:

Purchase of research and development services related to the development of a new innovative product “a system for interpreting hyperspectral data, while maintaining the time regime”.

Due to the nature of the physical phenomenon used, hyperspectral technology has quickly become an important milestone in the development of many technologies in the world in recent years and continues its expansion in a wide range of applications from medicine to environmental research. The complexity and large amount of data generated requires advanced and efficient acquisition and analysis systems. All this translates into high implementation costs

The aim of the project is to develop a system for interpreting hyperspectral data, while maintaining the time regime, which will allow for the effective use of hyperspectral sensors, enriching the possibilities of qualitative analysis of mineral raw materials due to their physicochemical properties, enabling their separation, as a consequence of the implementation of a new innovative product using an analysis system equipped with hyperspectral sensors working effectively in real time. The product planned for implementation is a hyperspectral data analysis module that allows for effective isolation of critical features of materials in mineral processing or recycling, most often for the purpose of sorting them.

The result of the project will be a hardware module responsible for the acquisition of hyperspectral data, its analysis and synchronization with the sorting system. Ultimately, the modern solution will be available to customers of the company in Poland and abroad.

The value of the project is: PLN 369,000.00
The amount of the contribution from European Funds: PLN 255,000.00.


Comex Polska sp. z o. o., as part of the European Funds for Małopolska 2021-2027 program, Measure 1.2 Innovation vouchers for SMEs, is implementing a project entitled “Development of a quantitative and qualitative analysis system for mining output fed to belt conveyors, based on the response from optical systems”.

The project includes the following tasks:

Purchase of research and development services related to the development of a new innovative product, “quantitative and qualitative analysis system for mining output fed to belt conveyors, based on the response from optical systems”.

The target market for the new product is the mining, mineral, processing, recycling, transport and other industries, in which it is necessary to determine the mass flow of material or individual objects together with the measurement of their size.

The aim of the project is to build a simple, cheap and at the same time effective system for measuring mass and grain composition, which can be easily installed above a belt conveyor in almost any industrial conditions. This will allow for the optimization of accompanying production processes, which will translate into improved quality of manufactured materials, lower costs, reduced energy consumption and reduced environmental pollution.

The result of the project will be the implementation of a new product – a system for measuring grain composition, which can be used in many branches of industry and at its various stages (e.g. mining: transport, crushing, sorting, mixing) and in all laboratory systems, where current solutions involve manual determination of grain composition and mass flow.

Project value: PLN 246,000.00
Amount of co-financing from European Funds: PLN 170,000.00.

Site under construction

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