EU projects


Project type: Investment project
Institution implementing the project: PARP Operational Program Smart Growth 2014-2020
Priority axis: Support for innovation in enterprises
Action: Support for the promotion and internationalization of innovative enterprises
Breakdown: 3.3.3 Support for SMEs in the promotion of product brands – Go to Brand
Title: Promotion of COMEX’s innovative sorting systems and sorting services on foreign markets
Budget: PLN 567,100.00
Subsidy: PLN 425,325.00
Implementation period: 2019 – present (planned completion 06.2022)
Project implemented as part of a consortium?: NO
Applicant: Comex Polska Sp z o. o.
Main effects of the project: Promotion of the Polish brand of sorting equipment (mainly used in the mining industry) and sorting services on the international arena.


Project type: R&D project
Institution implementing the project: NCBiR Operational Program Smart Growth 2014-2020
Priority axis: Support for R&D by enterprises
Activity: R&D projects of enterprises
Breakdown: 1.1.1 “Fast track” Industrial research and development works carried out by enterprises
Title: Development of an innovative technology for beneficiation of non-ferrous metal ores using a pre-concentration system based on artificial intelligence algorithms
Budget (total): PLN 10,974,447.85
Budget (leader): PLN 7,443,903.23
Subsidy (leader): PLN 5,955,122.58
Implementation period: 02/2021 – 11/2023
Project implemented as part of a consortium?: YES
Applicant: Leader – Comex Polska Sp z o. o.; Consortium member 1 – Łukasiewicz Research Network – Institute of Non-Ferrous Metals; KGHM CUPRUM Sp. z o. o. – Research and Development Center
Main effects of the project: Development of an innovative pre-concentration technology of the selected raw material, using a sorting machine enriched with a hybrid analysis system and using artificial intelligence algorithms, and implementing this technology in the Applicant’s business.


Project type: R&D project
Institution implementing the project: MCP
Regional Operational Program for the Małopolskie Voivodeship for the years 2014-2020
Priority axis: Knowledge economy
Activity: Research and innovation in enterprises
Breakdown: 1.2.1 Research and development projects of enterprises
Title: Development of a prototype and production implementation of a 3-fraction X-ray sorter with a 3D optical module using artificial intelligence algorithms
Budget: PLN 3,986,291.78
Subsidy: PLN 2387042.99
Implementation period: 08/2020 – 11/2022
Project implemented as part of a consortium?: NO
Applicant: Comex Polska Sp z o. o.
Main effects of the project: Development and implementation of an innovative 3-fraction sorter for the Comex company, analyzing material fed on a conveyor belt at a speed of 2.5-3.0 m/s, using a combination of Xray Dual Energy, Multi Energy and optical analysis technologies 3D, with the possibility of using optical analysis technology in the spectrum of ultraviolet light – UV, visible and infrared light – NIR and SWIR, as an innovative solution on a global scale that will maintain high throughput, high quality of analysis using multiple analysis technologies simultaneously, capable of separating material into three fractions, with a modernized method of matching the rejection signal, using artificial intelligence algorithms, allowing for increased savings in compressed air consumption.


Project type: Competition
Institution implementing the project: MCPR Regional Operational Program for the Małopolskie Voivodeship for 2014-2020
Priority axis: Knowledge Economy
Activity: Research and innovation in enterprises
Breakdown: 1.2.3 Innovation vouchers
Title: Development and implementation of a laboratory X-ray scanner with a flat beam geometry (fan beam), allowing for scanning in various XRT and XRF technologies
Budget: PLN 497,000.00
Subsidy: PLN 422,450.00
Implementation period: 01/2022 – 06/2023
Main effects of the project: Implementation of an innovative product in Comex’s operations in the form of a laboratory x-ray scanner with a flat beam geometry (fan beam) compatible with standard CXG1000 industrial gates manufactured by Comex, allowing scanning in various XRT and XRF technologies.


Project type: R&D project
Institution implementing the project: EIT Raw MaterialsHorizon 2020 Program
Title: DYNOSORT. Dynamic ore sorting of polymetallic stockpiles
Budget (total): EUR 1,680,925.00
Subsidy (total): EUR 1,680,925.00
Budget (Comex): €639,661.00
Implementation period: 01/2022 – 12/2023
Project implemented within the consortium: YES
Applicant: Leader – Technical University of Kosice (Slovakia), Consortium member 1 – Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf e.V., Consortium member 2 – DIAMO, runner-up (Czech Republic), Consortium member 3 – Comex Polska Sp z o. o.;
Main effects of the project: Optimization of the recovery of raw materials in the pilot plant through the use of an innovative method of analysis and separation of mining heaps after uranium mines in the Pribram region, Czech Republic.

Comex information:

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